Cavalier Animation & Media College is located in Bangalore. The college imparts education of high standards, quality, and latest technology in the field of Animation, Business Management, and Web Science. Cavalier Animation and Media College is affiliated with the University of Mysore and Bangalore University.
The college offers students with relevant skills that are necessary for today's industry. Here, students gain a foundation in culture and methods of improving effectiveness. Cavalier College imparts intuitive teaching philosophy along with modern concepts and techniques.
Cavalier Animation and Media College, Bangalore has a unique curriculum model that is based on theory and hands-on production. The college offers undergraduate programs in various fields. The college also provides facilities such as VFX Laboratory, Library, Animation Laboratory, Classrooms, etc.
Cavalier Animation and Media College reviews among students are excellent for animation training. The college has a team of skillful professions who have experience in 2D, 3D, graphics & web designing, and VFX.
Cavalier Animation & Media College also conducts seminars and workshops in the field of Animation, basic language learning, and personality development programs. The college also provides many placement opportunities to the students.
Cavalier Animation & Media College
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) (Hons.)/ Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Graphics and Animation
- The courses offered by Cavalier Animation and Media College are - BCA, BCA in Web Science, B.Sc (Hons.) / B.Sc Graphics and Animation, BBA Social Media Marketing, BVA Animation and Multimedia Design, B.Com and BA.
Where is the College located?
- Cavalier Animation and Media College is located in Kothannur PO, Bangalore.
Does the college have transportation facilities?
- Yes, the college offers transportation facilities for all its students.
Facilities and Infrastructure
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